I don't know either of them. Just looking quickly at Alexandria Brown's website, it appears she was involved in Tina Bier's book "What Branches Grow," I'm guessing as an editor.FWIW, Alexandria Brown, in her "about me" page says that she edits "poetry books, nonfiction and fiction novels."I don't know about you, but any editor who refers to "fiction novels" would give me cause to pause. And that page has a bunch of typos that an editor shouldn't be publishing.Obviously, do your research on them.
I don't know either of them. Just looking quickly at Alexandria Brown's website, it appears she was involved in Tina Bier's book "What Branches Grow," I'm guessing as an editor. FWIW, Alexandria Brown, in her "about me" page says that she edits "poetry books, nonfiction and fiction novels." I don't know about you, but any editor who refers to "fiction novels" would give me cause to pause. And that page has a bunch of typos that an editor shouldn't be publishing. Obviously, do your research on them.