I'm sorry progress has been slow for the site over the past several weeks, I was out of province. As @IMB mentioned in one of their query comments, with #NaNoWriMo underway (today) and the holiday season starting in a month, this is a slow time of year for writers. Agents often start closing to queries, to reopen again in the new year, and writers focus either on a new project for #NaNo or revisions on current projects to be query ready for when the agents reopen.
Now that I'm back, I'm prepping for several things at once, one of which is a series of raffles for query critiques from several gracious freelance editors (coming early 2020). I'm hoping to have a proper announcement done up for the end of November with names of the participating editors and how the raffles will work. We're also quite excited about some of the upcoming dev changes from our webhost, which will allow for us to create private forums. This will be implemented and members will have the opportunity to sign up for these based on a variety of criteria. (The process for this is still in development)
Two writerly events also began today (November 1, 2019):
#NaNoWriMo (if you don't know what this is, feel free to start a thread in general, and the community will fill you in)
This is an event where writers write, and rewrite based on CP feedback, a 1k short story over the course of 4 weeks (5th week wrap up). @QueryConnection on Twitter retweeted the info or learn more at https://writerinmotion.com/) If you're looking for something to do for #NaNo this may interest you.
Now that I've filled you in for what's upcoming for the site, tell me what you're doing for November!
Shocked at how long it's been since I've been active here. Sorry about that. December promises to be busy, too, but I wanted to check in.
Thank you all for the great suggestions!! I did end up taking a few days off, dealing with family stuff and also trying to relax my brain. I've started to tinker with something but time will tell, haha. Love this community!!
I'm hoping to find some writing mojo. My laptop died but I've got a mini back up...although it's not great, it will d for now. But my writing mojo has fled =(...trying to get my synopsis up to snuff (I threw it together in five minutes for Pitch Wars) and maybe query in 2020...but my brain is not in writing mode right now =(
IMHO, we could use another Steven Erikson slow burn epic fantasy - bring it, says I!
I'm querying right now, so that's one of the big focuses. I'm waiting for a new project to really take hold of me (have a few floating around, but nothing has really gripped me yet), so in the meantime I'm going back and editing an old project. It's the sort of book that would give agents nightmares: 237k word count, first book in a trilogy that absolutely cannot stand alone and where the other books get longer, the MC starts the series at the age of 13, even though I never really think of it as YA and definitely not MG, and the plot is definitely a slow burn. I don't know if I'll ever have it in a state where it'll be fit to publish, but in the meantime it's good practice for me, especially on cutting the word count, and it is nice to revisit these old characters.
Thanks again for all you've done and are still doing putting together this site.
I was lucky enough to score an apprenticeship in my province's Writer's Alliance, so rather than doing NaNo per se, I'll be adhering to whatever guidance I receive from my mentor. This will certainly include new words, but maybe not 50k.
The WriterInMotion program sounds like a fun I-need-a-break filler. Thanks for sharing that!