Hi, my name is Alex and I'm a writer.
I tried for years to quit writing, but I was unsuccessful enough that I ended up with a finished manuscript, a query letter and a synopsis. I think I'm doomed to stick to it. My muse just has that certain something which gets me before the screen every time.
I'm a Poland-born German who studied history in Dundee, Scotland. My gateway-books were Roger Zelazny's Amber and Frank Herbert's Dune. I have a love-hate relationship with hard SF and a drama-ridden romance with Fantasy. My debut is an adult SF novel about a female transgenic supercomputer living in a world which is best described as Alastair Reynolds meets Apocalypse Now.
I'm looking forward to polish my query here and maybe help another fellow traveler on the way.
As they say, the first step is acknowledging that you have an addiction. And the second, when it comes to this type of addiction, is to join a writing community of fellow addicts. Welcome!