Nice to see so many old faces here. I'm sure this is going to be a very vibrant and safe place for people to trade information and ask for advice, without fear of being called out or shamed.
Bones! It's great to have you join us. For those who don't know, RKLewis was one of the moderators over at AQC with RSMellette and myself. (And BigBlackCat97, too, for that matter).Lewis was known as Thrownbones over there.Happy to have his insights in this new community, too!
Bones! It's great to have you join us. For those who don't know, RKLewis was one of the moderators over at AQC with RSMellette and myself. (And BigBlackCat97, too, for that matter). Lewis was known as Thrownbones over there. Happy to have his insights in this new community, too!