It's been a while, but QueryConnection is back and ready to help you take your submission package to the next level! Since we're without a sponsor, we've returned to the free URL for the time being. (https://queryconnection.wixsite.com/queryconnection)
We know how important it is to get your query letter and synopsis right, so we're back to help you do just that. Writing a query letter can be an overwhelming task and it's hard to know where to start, but it's even harder to know when you're done. That's why QueryConnection is here to help. Our experienced writers will review your query letter and provide you with feedback on how to make it even better.
Whether you're just starting out or you've been writing for years, QueryConnection can help you take your submission package to the next level. So don't wait - post your query on our forum and let us help you get your query and synopsis just right.