Running January 11, 2020 to January 31, 2020 QueryConnection is raffling off seven (7) query critiques from professional editors, to be critiqued one each week during February & March! All critiques will be done on the protected forums, so only members will be eligible to win/ view queries and critiques.
**If you aren't a member, don't worry, signing up for QueryConnection is free and won't cost you anything. We are a community of writers who provide a safe space for all writers to come and workshop their queries with other writers on the traditional publishing path.
We have writers from all stages: writing, revising, in the query trenches, agented, on submission, and published in our group.
Enter the Giveaway beginning January 11, 2020 using the rafflecopter form below:
Find out about each of our participating editors:
How it will work
Each week the winning writer will post their query in this sub-forum with their name, the title of their manuscript, age category, and genre. Please see the example if you need guidance (but leave out EXAMPLE from your post title). You MUST have your completed query posted into the sub-forum no later than end of day (EOD) Monday of the week you win. All winners will be given exact dates when they are notified of their win and their editor.
The editors will then have until EOD Friday to post their critique of the query. All members will be able to see and learn from the critiques and the winners must agree to leave their queries posted so all members can benefit from this learning experience. The editors are only expected to do one (1) pass on their winning query. All members can feel free to workshop their queries before the event takes place and the winners can utilize the members for further critique after the editor critique in the regular query critique forum once the giveaway period is over (March 28, 2020).
Rebecca Faith February 9-15 (query up by eod Feb 10th/ critique due by eod 14th)
Carly Hayward February 16-22 (query up by eod Feb 17th/ critique due by eod 21st)
Jeni Chappelle February 23-29 (query up by eod Feb 24th/ critique due by eod 28th)
Katie McCoach March 1-7 (query up by eod Mar 2nd/ critique due by eod 6th)
Tiffany Grimes March 8-14 (query up by eod Mar 9th/ critique due by eod 13th)
Maria Tureaud March 15-21 (query up by eod Mar 16th/ critique due by eod 20th)
Nicole Evans March 22-28 (query up by eod Mar 23rd/ critique due by eod 27th)
If there are any questions or concerns, please feel free to contact any of the moderators via the chat system, emailing queryconnection [at], or reaching out on twitter @QueryConnection
We're excited to bring you this opportunity and hope you all enter for your chance to win!