On top of now having a sponsor, we've done a bit of upgrading to the site.
We have a direct URL www.queryconnection.com (make sure your bookmarks are updated)
We've added an events calendar for things like upcoming giveaways, member's book launches, and other events not associated with QC (like pitch events, contests, and mentorship opportunities, when we can get these extras added). If you'd like an event added to the calendar please message @QueryConnection with the date, time, and name of the event
We've added a place for you to leave book comp suggestions of published books you're read. This can include anything from tone, themes, style of writing... you name it. If it can be comped in any way, please leave a review and your thoughts on how it can be used as a comp
We now have a book blurb critique section. This is for those writers who need to have the back cover blurb workshopped with the community. Both traditional indie authors or self publishing authors can use this space for member feedback (this is a members only section)
New private forum for self published authors or writers intending on self publishing in the future. We are working on a process (see below) to grant access to this section. For now, please contact @QueryConnection
Up next we're going to implement a process for joining the private forums. If anyone is interested in being a private forum mod for a genre, please reach out to @QueryConnection to apply (this can be done in pairs).
There are still a few exciting things in the works that we aren't revealing quite yet, but when we have updates, we'll let you know!
Also, if you have any suggestions/ concerns/ thoughts about site improvement we want to hear from you! Please email queryconnection@gmail.com and all emails will be kept in confidence.
We look forward to growing this community with you!
Super excited with all the changes!! Thank you for all your hard work!
Oh and please check out our questionnaire if you're a mobile user. Deadline for feedback to improve the mobile function is February 7th